
Cara Mudah Memasang Bulu Mata

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mata adalah jendela dunia, maka bulu mata adalah gordennya. Kalo mau jendelanya cantik ya harus pasang gorden yang cantik dong hihihi.

Bulu mata dapat memberikan bermacam macam kesan. Kalo menurut gue ada 2 kesan yang paling sering di gunakan yaitu BULU MATA bikin GLAMOR dan BULU bikin  MATA CUTE


Urutan Cara Membersihkan Wajah dari Sisa Makeup

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Tips n trik urutan membersihkan wajah dengan benar

Membersihkan wajah merupakan hal yang sangat penting dilakukan dan enggak boleh asal asalan. Mengapa? Karena makeup yang tertinggal akan menyebabkan penyumbatan pori pori yang mengakibatkan jerawat dan kulit kusam.


Eyeliner Sehari-hari dan Cara Pakainya

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Masih inget pertama kali belajar pake eyeliner mata itu ke culek culek dan belepotan hahahahaahaha
tapi lama lama juga bisa cepet, kan practice make perfect terlepas dari eyeliner yang bagus atau harga eyeliner yang murah atau mahal, eyeliner cair, eyeliner gel atau eyeliner pensil sekalipun. Yang penting adalah bisa bikin apa enggak? 


Klenspop Review: BUNNY 3 COLOR BROWN

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Klenspop Review: BUNNY 3 COLOR BROWN

This time i reviewing Klenspop Bunny 3 color brown. Actually i already have brown lense, Madonna & GNG Chocho, Brown lense is like a must have item as daily lense. Im not using lense every day but I like used it when I want to look more or make up in mood mode on hehehehe.
This lense is very bright and have a lil bit “bigger eye” effect, so it make my eyes look cuter hihihi.

 It always coming with complete package ^^



Sunday, August 30, 2015

Today I’m talking about acne and natural ways to get rid of it! 

I’m not against chemical’s product because I collect a lot of them too haha, but I  prefer doing things natural when I can, and I have tried all of these natural product and I think they work better than the other chemical products (some product are useless and its just wasting money). Well, I already tried some chemical skin care and its not really work, so why not try the natural one. It also doesn’t hurt that most of these items we have in our homes already so it saves some money! But it more complicated than using an instant chemical, and you need to be patience.
Here the are, my secret weapon against the acne!

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