Nyx Stick blush orchid review

Monday, March 09, 2015

i have an oily skin, i try some blushes before but its vanished after some hours >,<. then i wanna try this stick blus from nyx. i love nyx because some of their product that i had try are sooo pigmented^^. 

it has a good packaging. Not really flimsy, it is lightweight and no need much space in my makeup bag. It's a twist-up plastic tube, just like lipstick. The plastic cap doesn't fall off too. But it crack-able if fall from high place

it has pretty color, i dont know how to say it actually it lil bit pinky-orange with a loth shimer so it turn like a bronze. 


1. affordable price (idr 85000)
2. travel package
3. lovely color
4. it still stay even i wash it (only with water) ^^


so far so good

where to buy:


 sedikit curcol yak =)

walaupun ane demen sama produknya NYX, tapi di Indonesia tuh masih susah dicari (dicari yang harganya murah maksudnya hahahaha). banyak yang jual NYX dengan harga yang mahila gilak! (baca: mahal banget). setelah searching-seaching akhirnya nemu toko online yang murah ya disini nih :D. Murah disini bukan berarti murahan ye, apalagi palsu. udah banyak pelanggan dan reviewnya juga. jadi percaya deh ^^. adminnya juga lumayan cepet bales WA ane, tapi cepetnya ya masih nunggu setengah jam-an (seenggaknya gak di bales pagi ketemu pagi a.k.a baru di bales besoknya >,< hahahaha #pengalaman olshop laen). selain itu ongkirnya juga ga ditambah2hin (pernah di olshop lain ongkir 17 ribu padahal di struk JNE nya cuma 14 ribu T,T) pokoknya sip deh 

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  1. wah gampang bgt ini klo buru2 jd bisa deh ehhehe, tp ga steril ya klo gitu :(


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