Sunday, August 30, 2015

Today I’m talking about acne and natural ways to get rid of it! 

I’m not against chemical’s product because I collect a lot of them too haha, but I  prefer doing things natural when I can, and I have tried all of these natural product and I think they work better than the other chemical products (some product are useless and its just wasting money). Well, I already tried some chemical skin care and its not really work, so why not try the natural one. It also doesn’t hurt that most of these items we have in our homes already so it saves some money! But it more complicated than using an instant chemical, and you need to be patience.
Here the are, my secret weapon against the acne!

1. Oat: Who knew oat could be used in your beauty routine? Well I tried it about a month when im getting sick of any acne care chemical. Idint say that it get rid acne clearly. But fyi, I have very very very oily skin, and use an oat to wash my face every orning can reduce oil on my face! How to use it: Put in a plastic bowl, give it a water then rub on your face as a cleanser then wash

2. Tomatoes: Tomatoes had Vitamins A and C. The acidity in tomatoes can get rid of acne and shrink your pores! It relaxing and felling cold. It also can make my skin brighter How to use it: slice tomato then rub on your face then wash it. Done!

3. White Egg: This is my favorite to tightening my pores. A lil bit smelly but totally better than my pore clay that had alcoholic smell iuuuh. HOW TO: Take a cotton then put a white egg liquid on it then put it on nose or cheeks. After 5 minutes you can peel it and voila! It takes comedos, blackhead and thightenig pores. I learn when my pores are in good condition, acne wouldn appear, but f my pore sooo big then it easily get acne o it.

4. Honey: This is one of my all time favorites. Honey has major antibacterial properties that will work as an astringent. How to use it: Just put it on my acne. Done! But remember to not using it too long because honey is hot, use it too long can burn your skin!

But remember, any acne treatment it may need to be used more than once. Depending on how bad the ACNE problem is. AND WHATS WORK FOR ME MAYBE NOT WORK ON YOU. When I break out I usually pick one of these and do it every day in a week and it clears it up. When you need to hurry, just cover it with concealer like Lagirl liquid concealer or  ELF complete concealer.

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