
12.12 ONLINE FEVER: take a peep where i gonna shopping

Thursday, December 11, 2014

besok, tanggal 12 bulan 12 merupakan harbolnas atau hari belanja online nasional!!!
shoping shopping shoping 
karena ini saatnya 
sale sale sale!!!!
#drumroll #teriak heboh :D
Hari Belanja Online Nasional mulai sejak tahun 2012, jadi HARBOLNAS didirikan pas tanggal cantik 12.12.12 
"Tujuan dari Harbolnas ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi ke masyarakat Indonesia bahwa belanja online itu nyaman"
ya iyalah nyaman. kan cuma tinggal duduk manis di belakang PC trus klik klik trus beberapa hari barang dateng :)... sipppp dah. tapi, belanja online juga ga boleh ngasal. kita sebagai pembeli harus pintar memilih toko online, karena tidak sedikit pelaku bisnis online yang melakukan kecurangan. maka dari itu lebih baik memilih seller/ toko yang sudah terpercaya. salah satu tempat belanja favorit saya yang aman dan terpercaya ya di sini nih


review KLenspop Madonna brown

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

brown is one of my most favorite colors. i choose brown lens because it looks pretty and natural  so people won't stare that much and think I'm weird, but it still have a bling and big effect to my eyes :D. yesterday i just got this cute lenses from


makeup remover for lazy girl

Monday, December 01, 2014

i am a lazy girl, i know that hahaha. when i go home, the only things i do is go to sleep as fast as possible. but i need to wipe off all makeup, dust and dirt from my face >,<..thats why i prefer to fast cleanser like this one


RF Online: beauty in the game

Monday, November 24, 2014

RF online (Rising Force Online) is a online game (MMORPG) from Lyto game which combine fantasy and futuristic theme. begin from a galaxy named NOVUS, player can choose one of 3 race. there are bellato union, accretia empire and holy alliance cora. im not really into gamer thing but sometimes i play it to get rid my stress haha. but im not really play to win the war, usually i play just to dress up my character lol.
“RF Online Indonesia”
i love fairy tale, so when i play games i always pick witch/magician character. on RF Online i absolutely choose holy alliance cora caracter
after look at the character, sometimes there a desire to dress up like them hahah,  my most favorite costume is force animus isis, because the character is female/goddess with amazing armor :*

this girlnamed pinky luxun, you will be surprise if you know that she made this costume by herself and her friend only. You will not be able to see her wearing or entering this costume in any events because she said it was too revealing and it was so heavy that she may have a hard time wearing or walking with it in a convention. And beside she also labeled this as one of her “Private Cosplay” because she’s really wearing nothing except the transparent fabric.

what i love about cosplaying a game is how fantastic their costume with flawlesss and fairies face :'D
i wondering, is she put foundation all over her body too? her skin look so flawless >,<

FREDDY_FRIDAY cosplaying a game, anyone??

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

i wanna try ZA product since i got the flyer and the models attract me hahaha. but when i visit their booth at ptc, their beauty advisor is notttttttt friendly so i take step back :P.
last mont i got surprise, i won shanty huang GA and i get this item yeay hip hip hoooray \(^^)/

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