
Gizi Super Cream: Kulit Sehat Glowing dengan Bahan Alami

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Inget pas jaman duluuuuuu banget waktu aku masih TK dua puluh satu tahun yang lalu, nyokap pake krim ini. Waktu itu kemasannya sih masih dalam bentuk jar plastic seperti ini
2015 ini Gizi super cream mengeluarkan produk dengan kemasan baru dan formula yang lebih inovatif. Katanya sih Gizi Super cream ini merupakan produk perawatan wajah yang memiliki kandungan bahan alami Indonesia yang bisa memutihkan juga lho. Hmm tapi kalo kulitku yang dasarnya coklat kayaknya gakk bakal bisa putih =_=”. Kalau buat aku asal bisa bersih dan enggak keliatan kusam sih udah oke bingit J


Seminar makeup Vizzily di kota Surabaya

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

postingan kali ini mengenai pengalaman pertama gue megikuti seminar makeup. Dan MUA nya adalah Vizzily. Gue udah lama kepo sama mbak satu ini di IG soalnya makeupnya yang  cetar dan flawless  abiss hihihi. Acara ini diadakan pada hari minggu tanggal 6 september 2015 lalu di hotel Ibis basuki rahmat Surabaya.


Cara Memakai Lipstik yang Benar

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Postingan kali ini membahas cara memakai lipstik di bibir agar sesuai dengan bentuk bibir serta awet dan tahan lama.

Kalau mau lipstik lebih awet dan tdak cepat memudar, jangan lupa pake pensil bibir dulu full kemudian baru pake lipstick. Jangan lupa untuk mengoleskannya dengan detil biar gak belepotan dan ada garis putus hahahaha kayak pengalaman ku, jadi JANGAN SAMPAI MANGAP KALO LIPSTIKNYA GAK DETIL.


Agar makeup tidak cepat luntur, begini caranya

Sunday, September 13, 2015

urutan menggunakan base makeup agar awet tahan lama seharian dan tidah cepat luntur. Sekaligus tips memilih foundation sesuai dengan warna kulit. Begini nih caranya.

Setelah mata maka yang perlu dilakukan adalah memberikan base. Awalnya adalah dengan  mengenali jenis kulit kemudian serum/ makeup base-> moisturizer-> Foundation-> cream foundation/concealer-> bedak tabur-> bedak padat.


Membuat Eyeshadow Smokey Eyes, begini urutannya

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ada banyak style untuk makeup mata. Kali ini mau membahas makeup mata yang glamorous dengan menggunakan gradasi  4 warna ala smokey eyes. Eye shadow sendiri artinya adalah bayangan mata. Jadi fungsinya adalah memberikan ilusi agar mata lebih terdefinisikan dan terlihat dalam.

Kurang lebih 4 eyeshadow yang digunakan harus memiliki gradasi warna berurutan dari yang paling terang, medium, medium dark, dark.


Cara Mudah Memasang Bulu Mata

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mata adalah jendela dunia, maka bulu mata adalah gordennya. Kalo mau jendelanya cantik ya harus pasang gorden yang cantik dong hihihi.

Bulu mata dapat memberikan bermacam macam kesan. Kalo menurut gue ada 2 kesan yang paling sering di gunakan yaitu BULU MATA bikin GLAMOR dan BULU bikin  MATA CUTE


Urutan Cara Membersihkan Wajah dari Sisa Makeup

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Tips n trik urutan membersihkan wajah dengan benar

Membersihkan wajah merupakan hal yang sangat penting dilakukan dan enggak boleh asal asalan. Mengapa? Karena makeup yang tertinggal akan menyebabkan penyumbatan pori pori yang mengakibatkan jerawat dan kulit kusam.


Eyeliner Sehari-hari dan Cara Pakainya

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Masih inget pertama kali belajar pake eyeliner mata itu ke culek culek dan belepotan hahahahaahaha
tapi lama lama juga bisa cepet, kan practice make perfect terlepas dari eyeliner yang bagus atau harga eyeliner yang murah atau mahal, eyeliner cair, eyeliner gel atau eyeliner pensil sekalipun. Yang penting adalah bisa bikin apa enggak? 


Klenspop Review: BUNNY 3 COLOR BROWN

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Klenspop Review: BUNNY 3 COLOR BROWN

This time i reviewing Klenspop Bunny 3 color brown. Actually i already have brown lense, Madonna & GNG Chocho, Brown lense is like a must have item as daily lense. Im not using lense every day but I like used it when I want to look more or make up in mood mode on hehehehe.
This lense is very bright and have a lil bit “bigger eye” effect, so it make my eyes look cuter hihihi.

 It always coming with complete package ^^



Sunday, August 30, 2015

Today I’m talking about acne and natural ways to get rid of it! 

I’m not against chemical’s product because I collect a lot of them too haha, but I  prefer doing things natural when I can, and I have tried all of these natural product and I think they work better than the other chemical products (some product are useless and its just wasting money). Well, I already tried some chemical skin care and its not really work, so why not try the natural one. It also doesn’t hurt that most of these items we have in our homes already so it saves some money! But it more complicated than using an instant chemical, and you need to be patience.
Here the are, my secret weapon against the acne!


Must have item lipstick under $6

Saturday, August 29, 2015

most favorite lipstick

Talking about lipstick, here the are my must have items!

Last year the naked lip is a big hit. But this year, i expect to see plenty of deep reds, rich purple, dramatic orange, and bright pinks.

I usually choose straight towards nudes, but there’s a part of me that wants to step out of my comfort zone and its because my job need me to look better and bold :”D. I was able to do just that. This past 6 months make me owned some of bright lips.


Pocketbac Hand Sanitizer Bath and Bodyworks Review

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Today i will reviewing freebies that i got last month. A super cheap hand sanitizer (because i get it free hehehe) Bath & Body works potcketbac Anti-bacterial hand gel in swingin vanilla.

They said that this product are a powerfull gem-killing formula enriched with tahitian palm milk. Leaves hand feeling clean and virtually gem-free.

drug fact: Alcohol 68% and antiseptic, water, isoprophyl, honey extract, palm extract, coconut fruit axtract,glycol etc.

I got the swingin vanilla scent with a monkey with a banana picture on it lol. It smell nice and make me always thinking about cookies :P

bath & bodyworks


Beautylabo Hair Color In Natural Blonde Review

Thursday, August 13, 2015

I got this product from Kawaii beauty Japan in the perfect time because i already get bored with my pink ombre hair. Reviewing beauty labo is a pleasure because this is the first time i used this hair color. It comes with beautifull package and a lot of equipment that make it easy to coloring hair by my self


Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Made in Usa Review

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Lagi males pake bahasa Inggris, yaudah ane pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya.
Gara-gara salah satu barang orderanku engga ada akhirnya ak ganti pake Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Made ini, katanya sih made in German tapi pas ak liat di botolnya made in Usa =____='
ahhh ya sudahlah

Bentuknya kayak balsem tapi enggak berbau menyengat, malah cenderung ga ada baunya.

udah aku coba sekitar dua mingguan, hasilnya:
bagus buat lipbalm untuk bibir pecah-pecah
bisa sebagai ganti krim malam, bikin kulit kenyal tapi gak kaya "pertamina" pas bangun. 

Ada yang bilang Vaseline Petroleum Jelly ini dilarang. Tapi ternyata cuma terganjal masalah BPOM aja kok.

Aku beli ini sekitar IDR35K, tapi kapan hari pas jalan-jalan ke Altara, disitu cuma IDR25k tapi yang made in Arab hahahhahahahaa >,<

hmmmm kayaknya ini setahun juga ga bakal habis lol


Review: E.L.F. Studio Complete Coverage Concealer Palette in Medium Shade

Friday, August 07, 2015

This product is amazing, only IDR60K and you got 4 shade concealer wohooooo so cheap right?

The perfect blend of colors to keep you covered troughout the year for when your skin is lighter in the winter and darker in the summer----- they said
but yeah, my skin change a lot. It depend on how much i stayed out door. The more i kiss the sun the more i get tanned (read: burn) hahahah

The highly pigmented formula is easy to blend for customizable coverage----they said
i said, yes yes yes :D

Use to disguise blemishes, dark circle and unevenskin tone for a flawless look----they said
well i have a big deal with dark circle, so i need concealer sooooo bad! The last time i not using concealer, my friend asking me "are you ok? are you not in a good condition? are you get no sleep for 3 days? lol

you may notice its included a small concealer brush, very usefull but i still prefer use my finger because its faster :D


Kayang Pake Sharp AQUOS Crystal dengan Semangat Tanpa Batas

Tuesday, August 04, 2015


okeh, mungkin judul postingan ini agak lebay. Disini yang gue maksud kayang adalah si SHARP AQUOS Crystal ini bisa di ajak jempulitan kebolak-balik. Gue uda ngerasain gimana smartphone gue merek xxx nge-hang melulu karena gak kuat di ajak jempulitan bolak-balik maka dari itu gue merilik si Smartphone SHARP yang katanya punya Semangat tanpa batas.
Berdasarkan review, SHARP AQUOS itu kayaknya pas banget deh buat gue karena:

1. Bisa Di Ajak Kayang


Dengan segudang aktivitas mulai dari Mengajar, Mbakul sesek-sesekan ke pasar sampai traveling sama teman-teman jadinya engga perlu khawatir karena percakapan telepon lebih jelas dan jernih dengan teknologi Direct Wave Receiver yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan ponsel dalam posisi apapun sesuka Anda. Jadi lo mau kayang pun masih bisa teleponan dengan jernih

2. Bisa Foto Kekinian


Sharp AQUOS Crystal dilengkapi juga dengan kamera belakang dengan resolusi 8MP dan kamera depan beresolusi 1.2MP  serta Memori Internal 8 GB (ROM), 1.5 GB (RAM) jadi bisa foto-foto sampai puassssss. Ada FRAMING ADVISORNYA juga lho, jadi bisa motret seperti layaknya seorang fotografer profesional karena bisa mengatur pengambilan gambar dengan komposisi yang tepat. Selain itu hasil memotret di malam hari jadi lebih terang dengan teknologi Night Catch, Kan males banget kalau foto di malam hari trus hasilnya kayak film horor gelap-gelap gimana gitu hiiiii. Yang paling canggih nih ada SEQUENTIAL SHOTnya, jadi bisa motret objek yang bergerak bebas tanpa batas lebih mudah dengan hanya menekan satu tombol, sooo buat para moduser yang pingin curi-curi foto gebetan hp ini bisa jadi pilihan yang oke bingits.

3. Bisa di bawa kemana-mana tanpa bikin tangan pegel

Berukuran 131 x 67 x 10 mm dan berat 141 gram jadi ga capek bawanya. Bentuknya yang tipis, ramping, dan padat membuat Sharp AQUOS Crystal sangat pas berada di genggaman 

4. Bisa Di Ajak Mejeng

Desainnya yang moderen dengan layar nyaris tanpa bingkai dan kece abis ini bisa dibuat gaya-gaya an (baca: sedikit pamer) hihihi

5. Bisa Ngerasa Nonton TV LED dengan layar super bening

Sharp kan dari dulu sudah terkenal sebagai pionir pembuat televisi dengan layar Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Saat ini SHARP pun menerapkan kejernihan layar televisi LCD pada AQUOS Crystal. Layar AQUOS Crystal yang sebesar 5 inchi memiliki resolusi 720x1280px dengan saturasi warna yang tinggi dan detail yang tajam. Layarnya gak kalah deh sama tv di rumah hehehee

6. Paling Bisa di Ajak Ngeksis Sosmed


Dengan menggunakan sistem Android KitKat 4.4.2 dan dilengkapi aplikasi standard dari Google. Ponsel pintar yang nyaris tanpa bingkai ini pun dilengkapi dengan aplikasi Office 8 yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagi file Microsoft Office seperti Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, dan Excel. Untuk performa, AQUOS Crystal bekerja dengan prosesor Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 400 Quad Core 1.2 GHz yang membuat multi-tasking menjadi ringan dan lancar. Nah dengan sistem seperti ini, mau ngeksis FB, Twitter, Path, Pinterest, IG, Ask FM, sampai ngeblogpun ga bakal lelet dan asik-asik aja.

sooooooo kesimpulannya adalah 


Papiiiiiiiiito beliin Hp ini duongggggggggggg!!!


My story: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Friday, July 17, 2015

i got this images from google.

A nice word
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

i always feel that i was nothing than a dust. I can NOT do this and that. I just an average common girl. I always feel insecure. 
i try.....
if i cant appreciate my self, then no one will!

i know i am still a NOTHING


i already did some step foward

not much

Aint a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step?

i will have more step
a little by little but i promise my self to never stop

ill keep my head up and smile :)

hai, Strong heart girl :D


The Face Shop Black Head Out Clay Mask Review

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Face Shop Black Head Out Clay Mask is a mask to take your black head, had a thick texture. Well we all have a bid deal with nose pores and black/whitehead right? here my impression about this product.

cheap, price around IDR60K
easy to find

its not really work on me
my acne get worst (my bad to masking acne with clay mask lol)
i hate the smell, its make my eye watery, i dont know what is that...maybe alcohol
it take my white head, but not reduce my big pores

so, i think i will not repurchase >,<


Cheap Natural Nude Eyeshadow (red A) Review

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

This is my favorites eye shadow, as you can see it has natural color. I use it as daily eyeshadow. the yellow color brigter my inner eye and the peach color on my lid give a fresh accent :)


Wardah Pore Thightening Toner Review

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

This product is the only one Wardah product that i love. Their cream not work on me. Wardah's compact powder have a very very good coverage but make my acne bigger. Wardah lipstick make my lips darker and crack........ What a bad relationship with wardah hahahaa


K-face Aura Snaily Baby Face Recovery Review

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

This Cream can be used as a day and night cream. Full with anti oxidant and all healing substance like the most popular Snail Mucous it can make your skin look younger, heal acne, scars and get rid wrinkles.


K-face Aura Wink Review

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Thailand beauty product was so booming at the end 2014. That time i was trying this one, Aura wink cream. With ekstract of Thai Sakura or Nang Paya Suer Klong which 10 times more effective than Japanese sakura on Asian skin. it can minimizing freckles and melasma and make your skin more brighter. They say that this product is the best Thailand whitening pudding mask.



Thursday, July 09, 2015

 Another lenses review, This time i will review another "safe" color lenses to use daily. TT 2color plus gray.


Review: Mizzu power volume waterproof mascara

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

its been a while since my last mascara expired. Actually im not a big fan of mascara, well bacause i have short lashes lol. its not make a big differ with my lashes hahaha. Then, when i was shopping with my friend, i found the cheap one.... maybe its worth to try eheheheehe


Etude House Body Lotion Review.

Monday, June 22, 2015

I always love etude product, how ever its make me feel like princess lololol. This time i want to reviewing Etude House Hello Lotion Raspberry & Cranberry Body Lotion. Here we go ^^)/*

Etude House Body Lotion



Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Live is a game
played by fuckin lunatic
wait for another blast

This article is not for kind girls! I am warning you…………. if you have a decent and delicate heart, please don’t read this poisonous article!!!

Frida lagi bad mood!!! Dan bad mood Frida, menggigit, menggaruk, mata mendelik, tampang judes, dan jangan bikin dia ngomong!!!

Dan bad mood Frida got this email, someone I don’t know AT 02:00 AM.

                                      I will like to discuss a lucrative deal with you

Dan ini dikirim menggunkan email private hosting salah satu universitas di hungaria!!!!!
satu menit....

aha! jangan2 ini jalan buat gue kabur ke luar negeri ihihihi

this email ended with a guy with Chinese name ask me to do something with a his 19million dollar bank account and he promise to gimme 30% of it if i do this and that


okay, maybe its a fraud so..... i just stay away.


Today is first day fasting......
after sahur i decide to sleep again #what a lazy girl

and i got a bad dream

Maybe its because my home too dirty, so i decide to clean it up

after clean it up, i boil water to take a bath

i just thinking how nice and refreshing warm water with salt and aromatic scrub <3<3<3

i just close my bathroom door and i got a lot compliment email  from my editor


maybe its kinda revenge because i text him about work-thing when he sick and hospilalized lololol  xD


I have totally no idea 
why I am such a big complainer and grumpy today.

Perhaps I am just too tired for being a good GIRL

Perhaps I am just too tired for being good GIRL and alone.

Perhaps I am just too tired for being GIRL and still living in the closet. Hiding all my silly will. 

Perhaps I am just too tired for being GIRL and Dont do this dont do that

Perhaps I am just too tired for being GIRL that must be like this and must be like that

Perhaps,…………… I am just a bad mood girl!

its 11:30 AM
i need to prepape stuff before go to work.
hope nothing happend at the office


im going to KBOOOOOM ;P

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